Service updates
Staff changes
We’ve said goodbye to Bonnie, one of our Wellbeing Assistants, and welcomed Hannah in her place. Selena, one of our Tenancy Management Officers, has also left ccha and we are currently recruiting for her replacement. Once in post, they will introduce themselves.
Romy, our previous Senior Property Services Officer, has moved over to be the senior officer on our compliance team to make sure our homes are 100% compliant and safe. We have welcomed a new Senior Property Services Officer, Joanne, who will be working on repairs.
Steve Fox, our previous Director of Homes, has started a new role at another company and we are pleased to welcome Di Dharmasuriya who will be taking his place.
Transfer update
We have now reviewed our transfer process and all residents on the list have been contacted. If you are on the list or are making a new application, you will receive regular updates about your transfer application from your Neighbourhood Services Officer or Administrator. If you have any questions about your transfer, please contact the Neighbourhood Services Team by calling 0800 054 6710 or email
Communal area policy
We have recently reviewed our Communal Area Policy which can be found on our website. Please refer to this if you are thinking of putting anything in your external communal areas and consult with your Neighbourhood Services or Housing Services Officer if you are unsure if this is allowed.
Together with Tenants
ccha is now an official adopter of the Together with Tenants charter. You can read more about what this means and what our objectives are on our website. As part of this, we are looking for residents to help us shape our services and give their feedback, ideas and views on what we are doing. Find out more ways you can get involved on our website.