In memory of Peter Juniper
We at ccha are saddened by the news that our last founding member, Peter Juniper, has passed away at the age of 93 years.

As a Croydon man born and bred and churchgoer in Thornton Heath, he worked tirelessly from 1966 to set up ccha which officially became a housing association in 1967. Peter remained heavily involved in the association for many years as a volunteer and committee member and took a keen interest in our progress.
Over the years, Peter would pop into the office on his way into Croydon to do his shopping and he would readily chat with staff. His stories of how ccha first started were so engaging.
I personally feel privileged to have known him and know that he will be remembered fondly by all those that met him over the years. Our thoughts are with his family and close friends.
Tracy Cullen