Our performance
Resident Satisfaction Survey
April 2022 – March 2023
The results of our satisfaction survey between April 2022 and March 2023 are not as good as we hoped. Our mission is to deliver on our promises, however, with only 62% of you satisfied with our overall service, we are not meeting your expectations. Heather Thomas, Chair of the ccha Board, released a statement earlier this year to address these lower scores and we thank you for your feedback and for keeping us accountable.
Key areas that need to be improved are around customer service and repairs, with a focus on staff returning residents’ calls, timescales for carrying out repairs, quality of repairs and damp and mould. These issues are a priority for us in year 4 of our business plan which you can read here.

of residents were satisfied with ccha’s overall service.
This is the lowest figure we have recorded and we are actively working to improve our service. You can keep up to date with our actions on our website.

of residents were satisfied with ccha’s overall repairs service, with 66% satisfied with repairs in the last 12 months and 62% satisfied with the time taken to complete their last repair.
Although overall satisfaction with repairs has improved from 56% last year, we are working closely with Axis to improve the repairs service and carrying out weekly updates to address outstanding repairs.

of residents were satisfied with how easy it was to contact ccha and 62% of residents were satisfied with how ccha handled their query.
These are slightly higher than last year, but we are working hard to improve our customer service and your experience as residents. We have recently recruited 2 new Customer Service Advisors to support this and are completing more customer service training.

of residents were satisfied with how ccha handles complaints.
This is a new question for this year and we are dedicated to helping residents resolve any issues that may occur. We hope to improve this figure over the next year. If you’d like to find out more about our complaints process or make a complaint, please visit our website.

of residents were satisfied that ccha listens to them and acts on their feedback
This has improved from 61% last year. However, we want residents to know we are here for you and your feedback is greatly appreciated. If you’d like to get involved and share your ideas, you can find out more here. Our Leadership Team are visiting various schemes throughout the year, listening to your feedback and seeing where we can make improvements. So far this year, they have visited 12 schemes and have adjusted the planned cyclical works programme based on their visits. They are also working closely with the Housing and Property Services Teams to ensure your issues are resolved.
Customer service stands
We introduced the customer service standards in April last year to help residents know what to expect from us and to hold us to account. Below shows the results for October 22 to March 23.
As you can see, we did not achieve our targets between these months, and these are areas we are actively trying to improve. As part of our efforts to improve customer service, our new Customer Service Advisors will be working with our Customer Investment Team to drive forward an improved experience for residents.
Similar to the results we reported in our last newsletter, repairs is the most frequent cause for complaint. As mentioned before, we are actively working to improve on this and appreciate residents highlighting issues as they arise.