Growing an avocado at home
No outdoor space? No problem!

Remove the pit from the avocado
Using a knife, carefully cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Be careful not to damage the pit as this can affect its ability to sprout.

Clean the pit
Use a soft-bristled brush to gently clean any remaining flesh from the pit. Be careful not to remove the brown, papery skin that covers the pit.

Insert toothpicks
Use three or four toothpicks to suspend the pit over a glass or jar. Insert the toothpicks about halfway up the pit, being careful not to puncture the seed.

Place in water
Fill the glass or jar with water so that the bottom of the pit is submerged. Be careful not to cover the top of the pit with water.

Wait for the pit to sprout
Place the glass or jar in a warm, bright location and wait for the pit to sprout. This can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the temperature and humidity of your location.

Planting in soil
Once the pit has sprouted and grown roots, you can plant it in soil. Plant the avocado pit so the top is level with the soil’s surface and regularly water it. Choose a container with drainage holes and fill it with a high-quality organic potting mix.