Home maintenance
Repairs update
We are working hard to improve our repairs service and we appreciate your patience while we do this. Our Property Services Team meet with Axis every week to understand more about any repairs that are still to be completed and create a plan to resolve these. If you do have any outstanding repairs, please don’t hesitate to contact Axis:
• Call Axis on 0800 056 7068
• Email Axis at ccharepairs@axiseurope.com
• Complete the Report a Repair form on our website
You can also report any communal repairs to Axis and if you have any further questions about how long a repair will take, you can visit the repairs page on our website.

Gas safety and electrical inspections
To keep our residents’ homes safe, we undertake gas safety inspections annually and electrical inspections every 5 years. These works are carried out by our contractors, Smith & Byford. When you receive a letter about an upcoming inspection, please make sure that you are at home to allow access for this crucial work. If you have any repairs to report around your gas heating system, please contact Smith & Byford on the below details:
• Call Smith & Byford on 0800 169 7703
• Email Smith & Byford at cchagas@smithandbyford.com