Service updates
As we begin to move back to operating as normal, we want to thank you all for your patience and understanding during this difficult time. Here’s an update on our services.

ccha office
Our office remains closed to residents and the majority of ccha staff are still working remotely. We’re reviewing this regularly and hope to reopen for pre-arranged appointments later in the year. We’ll update you on any changes via our website and social media channels. If you need to contact us, please call us on 0800 054 6710 or email

Repairs and planned maintenance
We’re back to normal for all repairs and planned maintenance. As an extra precaution, we still recommend that you wear a mask and open your windows when our contractors visit. As usual, please let us know if you’re isolating. Click here for our repairs update and how to report a repair.

Estate inspections
All estate inspections are now taking place as normal.

Grounds maintenance and cleaning services
All grounds maintenance and cleaning are back to normal.

Events are still on hold, but we hope to review the situation in the coming months. Click here for updates on resident activities and opportunities.

New tenancy sign ups and viewings
As our offices are still closed, all sign ups and the majority of viewings will be carried out virtually. For our homes for sale, viewings are taking place in person, with the necessary precautions, by our sales consultants, Red Loft.

Welfare checks
Welfare checks are continuing to happen over the phone. However, staff are beginning to make weekly checks at properties and will conduct face-to-face welfare and health and safety checks if we think you need them.

Staff on site
If you see any of our staff on site, please continue to follow social distancing rules. It’s better to ring or email first so that we can put you in contact with the correct person, or we’ll answer your query there and then. Visit our Who Does What page to find out who to contact.

Rent increases
This year we have increased rent and service charges. If you haven’t already received a letter regarding the changes, you should receive one later this year.
In line with your tenancy agreement, we can increase the rent in April each year. We do this to allow us to continue providing all the services we deliver such as repairs, compliance checks, tenancy management and planned improvements to estates and individual properties. The costs of delivering these services rises each year, in line with inflation.
Last year, for the first time in five years, we had to put your rent up. Any money we receive through rent increases goes back into providing services and making improvements.
If you’re worried about your ability to make rent and service charge payments, or if you’d like to find out more about the increases, please visit our website article for further information.

Reporting Issues in Communal Areas
As a responsible landlord, ccha strive to ensure the communal areas are safe for residents and visitors. As staff are not based at our estates, we are not always aware of an issue or a repair that may be required in communal areas. If you come across an issue or a repair that requires our attention, please contact us on 0800 054 6710. Reporting issues and repairs helps us to work together to safeguard residents and visitors using those areas and to prevent any accidents.

New lift contractors
We are pleased to announce that Summit Elevators has won the new Lift Servicing and Maintenance contract. The contracts begins on the 1st of July 2021. If you have a lift in your building, you may see them around.
Keep checking our website and social media for further changes to our services.
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