Improving our complaints process
A new Complaints Handling Code has been published by the Housing Ombudsman Service, setting out good practice that allows landlords to respond to complaints effectively and fairly. You can find out more here.
ccha is a member of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme which requires us to comply with the new code. It will enable landlords like us to resolve complaints raised by you quickly and to use information learnt from complaints to drive service improvements.
The code is in place to create a positive complaint handling culture amongst staff and residents. We’ve welcomed the code, and have created a Complaint Handling Code Self-Assessment, updated our Complaints Policy, created a Complaints Procedure document and a How to Make a Complaint Leaflet for you. We hope you find these useful and easy to understand.
You can find all these documents on our website here.
If you’d like to discuss how the code may affect you or any matter relating to complaints, please contact the Customer Investment Team at or telephone 0208 633 8736. We’re here to help you.