Meet the Board
This year, residents got the opportunity to ‘Meet the Board’ virtually, hosted by the Board chair and chief executive, with contribution from other colleagues.
The first one, held in November, invited residents to comment on the annual report and business plan. While the second meeting in March promoted the launch of the Together with Tenants Charter. We have been open to the feedback received at these meetings and welcome the opportunity to meet more residents virtually at future sessions.
We saw a number of changes to our Board this year, with Board members Marcella Jenoure, Nancy Callender and Abigail Lock stepping down from their positions. Board Member, Mark Collins, took over the role as chair of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee on 1 April 2023 and is keen to continue the committee’s good work as its new chair.
The Board approved an extension of office for our Chair, Heather Thomas, who has completed six years at ccha. Heather will retain that role for a further year until April 2024.
We have been proactive with new recruitment, and we will be welcoming new governance colleagues to enhance the Board and its committees in summer 2023. We update our website regularly with details of the Board and any changes.
Our Board colleagues bring a wealth of skills and experience as part of their strategic overview. In June 2022, we had our periodic In-Depth Assessment (IDA) from the Regulator of Social Housing and were regraded to a V1 G2 status. Since then, the Board has been working with the Leadership Team to regain our previous status, and we have regular interaction with the regulator.
To support delivery of our action plan, Board colleagues formed a Task and Finish Group, which meets before Board meetings to discuss progress against the plan.
The Board met eight times as a group last year. This was alongside additional strategy days where we focus on specific topics. More recently, the Board had a briefing on good practice in board assurance frameworks and what this would look like for us.
The core governance work of the Board continues with regular reviews and approval of our strategy and policies as well as the monitoring of our business plan, ccha2025.
In the current climate, monitoring of risk is vital. The Board received training in stress and scenario testing and our reporting in this area has been strengthened. Board members have also had specific treasury and finance training and are using their skills to ensure all our related processes are robust and we remain accountable.