Creating an exciting and supportive work environment, and valuing our staff and partners. We want to have long lasting relationships with the people we work with and build a reputation for being a go-to organisation.
Our priority this year: To add clarity and consistency of approach for staff throughout ccha.
Establishing our values
Our new corporate values underpin everything we do and help to create a consistent approach to service delivery amongst our staff. Our values are:
- We CARE about our customers, staff and our wider environment
- We ADAPT and embrace change to achieve our goals
- We are RESILIENT and effective in challenging times
- Our strength is in our unity with EVERYONE playing their part
The values are imbedded into our staff recruitment and induction process. We do this to ensure we employ people with the same ethos as us. As well as this, the values are also promoted on our staff intranet, in our policies, and referred to in surveys, weekly updates, staff appraisals and staff awards.
We have a variety of projects and initiatives that have helped us realise our values despite the challenges we have faced throughout the pandemic.
These include:
- a Wellbeing Committee, which runs employee events and initiatives to promote a healthy work-life balance – including workshops, competitions, challenges and charity events
- regular staff surveys to check how staff are working remotely, ensuring they have everything they need and have an opportunity to give feedback and influence change and improvement
- staff updates increased to once every other month to ensure our communication with them is effective and consistent
- regular manager and leadership meetings
- IT systems and equipment improved to ensure we can hold meetings virtually and see each other via video calls
- the introduction of a new home working and work-life balance policy, including flexible working options for staff
- creating a back-to-office plan which balances safety and risk with service and internal and external relationships.
By keeping communication channels between staff as active as possible, we have been able to maintain a good level of service to residents, within the guidelines and restrictions the government has given. Safety has, and continues to be, our focus. Along with IT equipment to work from home, staff have been given PPE, Covid-19 testing kits and detailed guidance on how to work safely and effectively.
What our staff say
“We are extremely proud of the way our staff have worked through such a difficult period. We have safely and carefully managed our services and kept going. However, we do want people to return to the office, build and maintain internal and external relationships and keep up physical social contact, which is so important."
Tracy Cullen, Chief Executive
What our staff say

said they have the tools, equipment and guidance they need to work from home productively and safely (April 2021)

more staff said they felt ‘mentally strong’ since November 2020 and believe things are getting easier (April 2021)
We will continue to support our staff and residents, and in the coming months we will create a ‘new normal’. Our staff are key to what we do and will play an important role in helping us to rebuild in line with our core values and responsibilities as a social landlord.