You can view our up-to-date Financial and Value for Money statements on our website: www.ccha.biz.

We are learning and improving from the complaints we receive. In our Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code Self-Assessment, completed in December 2020 and reviewed in April 2021, we outline where we currently are and our plans going forward.
Our complaints policy was reviewed and we introduced a new ‘How to make a complaint’ leaflet to bring us in line with the Code. As a direct result of complaints feedback, we have introduced revised Pest Control and Emergency Access procedures, are continuing to address issues with our repairs service and are currently revisiting our compensation policy and procedure.
We received no complaints relating to communal areas or relating to the handling of Anti-Social Behaviour cases.
Currently, we do not track the number of complaints relating to fairness and/or respect relative to size of landlord; however this is being addressed in our Complaints Code Action Plan along with our work around Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
We are currently working on an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan which will span the next 5 years.
This will incorporate the diversity of the Board, staff, residents and contractors, and will launch in the next year. All our staff have now completed awareness training with our external company Equaliteach.