Quick updates
Staff Changes
We’ve had a few staff changes over the last six months and whilst this can feel a little frustrating for you, we’ve been able to welcome some experienced, friendly people to our team.
Neighbourhood Services Officers – for our general needs properties:
- Shantel Whyte has taken over from Steve Thomson who retired last year – you can read more about Shantel here.
- Marcella McCarthy has joined us temporarily to cover some of our tenancies which have been without a housing officer over the last few months.

Nina Howard our Homeowner Officer
- Nina Howard has joined us as the new Homeowner Officer, looking after our homeowners and leaseholders.
Housing Services Officer – for our older persons properties:
- We will have two new officers joining us soon and they will write to their residents to introduce themselves in due course.
Wellbeing & Maintenance Officers – for our older persons properties:
- We welcome Hannah, Nana and Ayana who join long standing members of the team, Lorraine and Glenda.
- Rachelle, who was previously in compliance, has moved over to the development side, working with Tracy Cullen on new development opportunities.
Property Services:
- You may know that Romy has moved over to the compliance side of the team, being joined recently by Natalie as the new Property Services Officer, and working with Bev.
- Shukri has joined us in repairs to help with the Axis contract and manage complaints. Vincent is still here to help you when you call.

Simon our Maintenance Assistant
- Simon, our Maintenance Assistant for our supported properties is joined by Jiazander, who you may have already seen out and about on site.

Jiazander has joined us
- Our surveyor John has left ccha now, and we are joined by Delroy who you’ll start to see out and about on inspections.
Customer service:

Sherree has joined our Customer Service Team
- Nicole has gone on maternity leave and Sherree and Baran have joined the Customer Service Team. You can read more about that here.
Income Team:

Evelyn has joined the Income Team
- Evelyn joins us and will be supporting Sharon, Suzanne and Jane in the Income Team to help provide admin support and get you the welfare and benefit advice you need.
Your feedback about the newsletter
Thanks to those who completed our online survey and attended our focus group in February. Some of the things that were brought up include:
- You want to see more about your communities and the areas you live in.
- You want the newsletter to be more personable and include residents more.
- The money matters articles are useful, and you want to hear more resident stories.
- You want regular updates about staff changes.
- You want to know more about what funding opportunities there are.
- You want to know about opportunities for young people.
- You want to be informed about issues that affect you.
We’ve tried to include the above in this edition and if you’d like to get involved in helping us make the newsletter better, please get in touch! You can call Sam on 0800 054 6710 or email citeam@ccha.biz.