Staff and partner engagement:
We will be an employer and partner of choice.
Our priority for this year: Ensure clarity and consistency of approach to staff throughout ccha.
Best Companies Survey
In September 2021, 78% of staff completed the Best Companies Survey, aimed at finding out how valued, involved and committed staff feel. We gained a One to Watch score, which we hope to improve over time. The results helped us form an action plan that is focused on the company’s culture, which will be delivered over the next three years.
Key points gathered from the survey focus on the effects of Covid, change to hybrid working, changes in IT, feeling valued and personal growth.
“ccha has a great ethos to both staff members and our residents.”
ccha staff member
By improving on the aspects brought up in the survey, we can better serve our residents. When staff feel valued and engaged, they tend to be more productive and this will reflect in the service residents receive. Over the next three years, we hope to take ownership of the changes Covid has forced us to make and really make them work for our staff.
“Happy staff means happy residents!”
ccha Business Support Manager
Wellbeing for staff
With home working causing isolation for some members of staff, maintaining wellbeing has been vital. Changes to IT has helped us stay in contact with each other and the Wellbeing Committee has worked hard to deliver a balance of fun virtual social activities and the more serious side of mental and physical health support. Wellbeing will continue to be a focus when we move into the new office this year and in our action plan to improve company culture.
Partner engagement
As a Founder Patron, we have continued to provide support to Legacy Youth Zone in Croydon, which offers holiday club programmes, activities and support for young people in the area. Between 90 and 160 children attend Legacy each evening and we had 20 residents take up the free memberships and holiday club spaces over the last year.
We continue to support residents with worklessness, partnering with our contractors Axis, Chequers, and local business to share vacancies, apprenticeships, and workshops with our residents. These go out via our jobs bulletin each month.