Meet the Board

This year has seen successful recruitment to our Board and committees, bringing a wealth of expertise to complement our members already in post. Our long-standing Board members include Tracy Cullen, Chief Executive; Neil Perrins, Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee; Mark Collins, Chair of Remuneration & Nomination Committee and sits on the Audit and Risk Committee; and Julian Chun, Chair of Development and Assets.
In July 2023, the Board welcomed two new members. Jim Dean, who started getting involved as a housing association resident, has since moved on to chair resident groups and panels, training in customer engagement and good leadership. He now works in an advisory capacity for a number of organisations providing advice on good customer service and the resident perspective. Matthew Hayday specialises in good governance in his day job but also has housing sector experience, bringing knowledge of governance and compliance.
We would like to say a big thank you to the outgoing members of governance who have supported ccha over the years.
In January 2024, Maureen Adams joined the Board and in April took over the role of Board Chair, bringing her knowledge and experience of policy, strategy, organisational transformation and housing to the position.
In March 2024, we welcomed David Hall and Bruce Shelmerdine who bring financial expertise and experience of working in the housing sector that support the Board as well as our Audit and Risk and Development and Asset Committees.
In addition to this, we strengthened the committees with independent membership. Christopher Newman joined the Development and Asset Committee and Pamela Vera joined the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. More information about our Board and committees can be found on the about us page of our website.
We would like to say a big thank you to the outgoing members of governance who have supported ccha over the years. We say goodbye to outgoing Chair, Heather Thomas, Board members Carolyn Porretta and Nathan Gravesande, and Independent Committee Member Phiroze Dastur Mackenzie.
This year, the Board has been out and about, meeting residents with the Leadership Team. Keep an eye out in case they visit your area. Our Board members are looking forward to meeting you and hearing your thoughts and feedback.