How are we performing?
In each newsletter, we’re keen to tell you what we’ve been doing to improve our services.
In October, we spoke with our Resident Panel to find out what they think about the way we present our performance statistics. They said:
- it's a lot of information to read.
- it isn’t clear what the target is for the result.
- use more colours and shapes.
- focus on what we care about.
So, we’ve taken this feedback on board and broken down the results in a different way. We hope you’ll find it a bit easier to read and understand. If you’d rather read all our performance statistics, you can still find them on our website.
All results are from April 2024 to September 2025.

Listening to you – resident satisfaction
The satisfaction survey is your chance to have your say. You can rate how satisfied you are with various service areas, comment on what you’d like to see, and if you agree to be contacted, we can give you a ring to discuss further.
Overall satisfaction is sitting at 62%, which is a little way off our target of 74%. We’re working hard in many different areas to try and improve your experience and satisfaction with us.
Over the last few months, we’ve had a lot of comments about estate services, so we thought we’d share the results in those areas.

satisfied that the communal areas are kept clean and well maintained (target 76%)

satisfied with internal communal cleaning (target 80%)

satisfied with communal gardening (target 80%)

satisfied with communal window cleaning (target 70%)
As you can see, we aren’t quite on target with these areas. Our teams are currently reviewing the estate services contracts to make sure they meet your needs, taking into account your comments.
Thank you for the feedback on this.

satisfied that we listen to residents' views and act on them.
We have a number of ways for you to share your views, such as through the satisfaction survey, other surveys, resident panel, directly to us, through complaints etc. If you agreed to be contacted after completing the satisfaction survey, you may have been contacted by Debbie to discuss your feedback in more detail. We do this so we can understand better and try to help you.
Change takes time to implement, and we can’t always do it straight away. Please know that we do read all of your comments, and these are escalated accordingly to look for solutions. We appreciate the time you take to give feedback, and we hope you’ll see some positive changes soon, particularly around the repairs service, which is being reviewed in line with your needs.
Handling your complaints
Check out the video to see how we’ve been doing with complaints. You can find more information on our website.