Safety and security responsibility
We will have an exemplary record for safety.
Our priority this year:
- Ensure that we act as a responsible employer and landlord by being well-informed of the latest health and safety legislation and standards.
- Recognise the increased vulnerability of our older communities and proactively maintain their safety and security.
- Promote better cross-team collaboration to tackle anti-social behaviour on schemes.
Tackling anti-social behaviour together
Our renewed anti-social behaviour policy and procedure is in place, following a resident consultation at the beginning of the year. Staff have had training on it, and we encourage residents to report it to us or the police. We are working on improving the content of the website to better guide residents on what to do, and hope to action this next year.
of residents are satisfied with our approach to handling anti-social behaviour (target 69%).
Understanding your needs
While we have dedicated homes for those with additional needs, we know that some residents in our general needs properties may also require more from us. Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion survey data collected this year will help us to understand what extra support is needed.
We have been increasing our visibility out and about so residents can raise any issues and also provide some fun activities for them. The coffee mornings at our older persons sites have included wreath making as well as talks from AgeUK and the police neighbourhood teams.
Ensuring your safety
To keep you safe in your community, we have procured a new CCTV contractor through the South East Consortium. They have been highly rated, meeting all the regulatory requirements. This new contractor will be assessing the needs of each estate, and providing installation and maintenance of the equipment. We hope to consult with residents on this once the initial surveys are completed.
of residents were satisfied with how we keep their home safe (target 83%).
Setting up the new office
This year we have adapted our processes to fit with our new office space, as previously we were a tenant in a larger office block. There has been a change to the business support officer role, allowing for more focus on health and safety management, streamlining the new processes and ensuring any changes are actioned in a timely manner.
Fire safety, lone working, the caution register and accident and incident reporting have been a priority, ensuring the Health and Safety Committee are fully informed of any issues.

100% of homes complied with the Decent Homes Standard.

100% of properties have valid gas servicing certificates.

100% of properties with satisfactory electrical testing certificates.

100% of properties have fire risk assessments.

100% of communal areas have asbestos surveys.

100% of properties have water risk assessments.

100% of properties with lift inspections carried out.
of residents were satisfied with our work to keep communal areas clean and well maintained (target 76%).
of residents were satisfied with how we maintain their home (target 72%).
of residents were satisfied with internal communal cleaning (target 80%).
69% of residents were satisfied with communal gardening (target 80%).
of residents were satisfied with communal window cleaning (target 70%).
of residents were satisfied with our contribution to their neighbourhood (target 82%).