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We have published our Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvements Report on our website. It reviews what we have done, our self-assessment against the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code, and our learning from it all. Our goal is to be as transparent as possible, showing what we are doing.
of residents were satisfied with our approach to complaint handling in the last 12 months (target 56%).
*one S2 complaint received for March 22-23 but completed in 23-24.
**survey completed following closure of complaint.
Breakdown of complaints by topic

Repairs & maintenance
Total = 71
54 Upheld 8 Partially Upheld 9 Not upheld

Customer service
Total = 7
4 Upheld 1 Partially Upheld 2 Not upheld

Tenancy management
Total = 5
3 Upheld 2 Partially Upheld 0 Not upheld

Estate services
Total = 3
0 Upheld 1 Partially Upheld 2 Not upheld

Other management
Total = 3
2 Upheld 1 Partially Upheld 0 No upheld
Listening and learning
We learn from complaints by holding a quarterly complaints forum and reviewing individual issues as well as feedback from the Housing Ombudsman. We look at trends to see what the underlying issues are so we can work to prevent them in the future.
Our learning from complaints is shared on our website, annual report and newsletter and shared quarterly with staff, the Board and the committee.
of our complaints relate to our responsive repairs service. Main areas relate to delays and poor communication.
of our complaints relate to services provided directly by us.
of complaints relate to delays.
relate to poor communication.
relate to customer service.
include an element of staff conduct.
So, what have we done to improve services as a result of complaints?
- Revised our policy on how we deal with potential subsidence cases to improve management and communication.
- Brought in one full-time and one part-time customer service advisor to improve communication and ensure we get back to residents.
- Provided additional training on our customer relationship manager (CRM) system to ensure all conversations with residents are recorded.
- Reviewed our process for issuing alarm pendants to residents in our older persons accommodation to improve access.
- Introduced joint meetings for complex complaints which require involvement from multiple teams to improve oversight.
- Approved and begun a full review of our repairs service to look at how best to deliver an improved service going forward.
- Identified a wider issue with flooring at one of our schemes and developed a planned programme to address the issues.
- Restructured our Property Services Team to have clearer areas of responsibility for repairs.
- Delivered complaints handling training to key staff and managers to improve the capturing and handing of complaints.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
As mentioned earlier in the annual report, this year has focused on the development of the Customer Needs Review, staff EDI survey and the start of the collection of data. It was important to find out which questions we need to ask to get the information we need to tailor our services and understand our residents and staff.
Next year will involve further collection of data, while also analysing the results and creating a long-term plan to incorporate resident and staff needs into our services.

— Ethnic minorities 31% — White 29% — Other 1% — Prefer not to say 2% — Unknown 37%

— Ethnic minorities 31% — White 33% — Other 0% — Prefer not to say 2% — Unknown 34%