Your Customer Needs Review
Earlier this year, we invited you to participate in our Customer Needs Review, which helps us to understand your household needs and how we can tailor our services.
We keep all information you give us confidential, and it will only be used by us and our contractors and partners to supply and monitor our services to you.
Thank you to everyone who’s completed this so far. Your answers help us to understand you better and we’ll be looking at what we can do to meet those needs later this year.
All residents who completed the form by the end of March were entered into a prize draw to win £200. Congratulations to Mr E, who was successful in this draw!
If you completed the form by the end of April, you were entered into a draw to win £100. Congratulations to Miss S who won this one!
Both prize winners were randomly selected. Thanks to everyone for taking part, and if you’ve not completed the survey yet, give us a call on 0800 054 6710 or email us at and we’ll send you a form to complete.
Why have we asked you to complete this review?
We’re committed to ensuring you receive the services you require and are treated fairly. In 2021, we released our latest Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and as part of this, we are collecting information to help understand what you need from us. With this data, we can review how we’re doing and how we can adapt to your needs.
This information will help us:

Have up to date information about you and your family

Understand your communication requirements and preferences

Tailor services to meet your individual needs

Monitor services and ensure you receive a fair and equal service

Recruit staff who are representative of our residents

Identify prejudice-related incidents and practices and ensure they are dealt with effectively
You can read our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement on our website.